As your Clover Hill District Supervisor, I have worked hard on behalf of Chesterfield citizens and I will continue to make sure Chesterfield County is one of the best places to live, work, run a business and raise a family. Improving the quality of life for our citizens is always number one. When you call the police, when you visit your child’s school, when you need an ambulance -- Chesterfield deserves the very best in service and I am devoted to achieving excellence in that effort. I thank you for your continued trust and faith and respectfully ask for your vote on November 7 or if you are voting early, September 23, 2023 thru November 4, 2023.
A Proven Record of Excellence
Chesterfield is moving in the right direction on the strength of good, sound management. With a renewed focus on excellence in customer service and innovation, the County is a recognized leader in education, public safety, mental health, environmental stewardship, economic empowerment and sports tourism.

#OnwardandUpward #CloverHill
Over the last four years, we've worked together to grow and build relationships, increase education funding, make Chesterfield safer, promote recreation, and expand economic opportunity while preserving our environment through the lens of excellence in citizen service.
We have an exceptional quality of life for families which is why Chesterfield County remains attractive. Chesterfield is one of only 34 Virginia communities to make the U.S. News and World Report’s list of the Healthiest Communities in the United States relating to Population Health, Equity, Education, Economy, Housing, Food and Nutrition, Environment, Public Safety, Community Vitality, and Infrastructure. As one of only 49 Triple-AAA rated jurisdictions in the United States (Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s, and Fitch), we also maintain the highest standards of financial management and budgeting in America highlighted by a strong reserves policy, a growing and sizable tax base, and an aggressive and regionally important local economy.
It is my unceasing goal to expand opportunities for all the citizens I serve and maintain our outstanding quality of life in Chesterfield County.
I take great pride in collaborating with residents, our fantastic women and men who serve County government, and regional organizations to improve Chesterfield. Through these efforts, we have created a more citizen-centered local government that emphasizes compassion, transparency, technology, fiscal accountability and high quality services. Take a look at the various issues we are currently tackling by clicking the button below.

Supporting Small Business, Welcoming Big Business
Small business is vital to Chesterfield County. Of the county’s 10,500 businesses, over 60 percent have less than five employees. This is largely why Chesterfield County was recently acknowledged as having the 3rd highest job growth in the Commonwealth over the last 5 years.
During my term as Chairman of the Chestefield County Board of Supervisors, I helped negotiate the final deal that landed LEGO's only manufacturing facility in the United States. In 2022, LEGO, Civica, Plenty, Carvana and our small business growth yielded over $2b in capital investment and over 2000 jobs in Chesterfield County. Opportunities for wealth building and increasing our familes' standard of living abound.
Key Endorsements
Our campaign is proud to receive the endorsement of the Chesterfield Professional Firefighters Association. The men and women in the Fire and EMS services put their lives on the line daily to save the lives of local families, protect their property, and provide them first class emergency medical services.
Our campaign is delighted to receive the endorsement of the Richmond Association of Realtors (RAR). In addition to helping ordinary citizens buy and sell their homes, RAR assists the region in its understanding of housing challenges and routinely explores public policy solutions with stakeholders.